To Raises Reduce Leg Pain

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By performing so-called toe raises, one can reduce the risk of developing varicose veins, and for those who already have them, it can alleviate the discomfort. Toe raises and similar movements increase the activity of the calf muscles, which in turn makes it easier for the valves in the veins to transport blood from the toes all the way up to the heart.

It’s not always easy for the body to do its job—it has gravity against it. Transporting oxygen-poor blood from the toes up to the heart is no small task. It requires a lot of work from the valves in the veins to manage it. With age, the valves' ability deteriorates. Additionally, sitting for long periods in front of a computer or standing statically for extended periods during the day doesn't help. This is how varicose veins can occur when the valves in the veins have too much strain; they can expand and become visible under the skin. They usually appear as a network and come in shades of purple and wine red. So, to help the body along, there are a few things you can do yourself, quite simple actually. It doesn’t require much effort on your part.

Exercise – Reduces Leg Pain  

By moving around once or a few times a day, blood circulation will increase, which is appreciated by the veins. You don't need to run a half marathon; just going out for a light walk is enough. Buy a pedometer to see how much exercise you actually get—you should aim to reach 10,000 steps, which might sound like a lot, but if you take two walks a day, you're close to that number.

Consider How You Sit to Reduce Leg Pain  

Many of us have sedentary jobs. We sit for many long hours in front of the computer. This is not good for the legs. So make sure you get up and take a little walk several times an hour, even if it's just to the copier or to the kitchen for a glass of water. If you have a very static standing job, like if you work as a hairdresser and stand all day, make sure to occasionally sit or get your legs elevated.

Elevation – Good for Reducing Leg Pain  

When the legs are elevated above the heart, it becomes easier to transport blood to the heart. Therefore, it’s good to try and elevate your legs now and then. For example, you can work from your bed (put a couple of pillows under your legs too) or when watching TV, keep your legs elevated.

Toe Raises – Calf Training Reduces Leg Pain  

A really good exercise is what's called a toe raise. You perform it by standing up straight and lifting your heel off the ground so only your toes remain on the ground. In this way, you will feel the calf muscles activating. Go up and down several times, for about a minute or so. The musculature in the calves helps the blood to move upwards. This exercise is particularly good for older adults whose valves are not functioning as well anymore. In this case, the calf muscles do some of the valves' work. Make it a habit to do this exercise when you brush your teeth morning and evening, for example!


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