Frequently asked questions

Find answers to all of your questions regarding varicose veins and thread veins.
Why do you get varicose veins?
In the veins are small valves that regulate the flow of blood towards the heart. These flaps wear over time, and as this wear increases, the risk of the flaps not holding tight increases. What then happens is that the blood flows back and collects in pools under the vein valves. It is these pools that form varicose veins.
Who gets varicose veins?
About thirty percent of all people suffer from varicose veins at some point in their lives. Varicose veins are hereditary, so if one of your parents has had varicose veins, you are genetically predisposed to developing varicose veins yourself.
What are the most common causes of varicose veins?
Heredity is the most common cause of varicose veins, and varicose veins are almost 100 percent hereditary. In addition to heredity, varicose veins are also often caused by smoking, obesity, inactivity and pregnancy.
Can I do anything to prevent varicose veins?
Varicose veins cannot be completely prevented, but you can reduce the risk of occurrence by taking certain precautions, such as maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, where the focus is on good blood circulation in the legs.
Are varicose veins hereditary?
A very large percentage of people who have varicose veins get them because of heredity. You are genetically predisposed to varicose veins if your mother or father had varicose veins.
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What are the most common symptoms of varicose veins?
The most noticeable symptoms include visible, bulging veins that are blue or dark purple in color. Other common symptoms are aching, heaviness, and discomfort in the legs, especially after standing or sitting for long periods. Some people may also experience swelling, itching, and muscle cramping in the affected areas.
Can varicose veins cause leg pain or cramps?
Yes, varicose veins can cause aching or a sense of heaviness in the legs, which may be accompanied by muscle cramps. The pain typically worsens after sitting or standing for extended periods.
Do varicose veins cause skin changes?
In more advanced cases, varicose veins can lead to skin changes. These changes include thinning of the skin, inflammation, scaling, and even the development of venous ulcers, particularly around the ankles.
Is it normal for varicose veins to itch?
Yes, itching is a common symptom associated with varicose veins. This itching is often due to the increased pressure within the veins and can be accompanied by a burning sensation.
Can varicose veins lead to swelling in the legs?
Varicose veins can indeed cause swelling, particularly in the ankles and feet. The swelling is usually worse at the end of the day or after prolonged periods of sitting or standing.
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What happens during a varicose veins consultation?
During the consultation, avascular specialist will review your medical history, conduct a physical examination, and perform a Duplex Ultrasound Scan. This scan helps inaccurately diagnosing the extent and severity of your varicose veins. The specialist will also discuss any symptoms you're experiencing and address your questions or concerns.
How should I prepare for my varicose veins consultation?
Wear loose, comfortable clothing, as the specialist will need to access the area where the varicose veins are present. Bring a list of any medications you're taking and a record of your medical history. It’s also helpful to have a list of questions or concerns you want to discuss with the specialist.
Will I receive a treatment plan during my first consultation?
Yes, after assessing your condition through the Duplex Ultrasound Scan and discussion, the specialist will provide you with a personalised treatment plan. This plan will detail there commended treatment options, the expected outcomes, and a breakdown of the costs.
Is the consultation and treatment plan binding?
No, the consultation and the treatment plan are not binding. They are meant to inform you about your condition and the recommended treatment options. You have the freedom to consider the plan, seek a second opinion, and decide in your own time whether to proceed with the treatment.
How long does the consultation take?
The consultation typically takes about 20 minutes. This duration is sufficient to perform the necessary examinations, have a detailed discussion, and develop a preliminary treatment plan, ensuring that your visit is both comprehensive and time-efficient.
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Can I undergo treatment if I am on blood thinners?
Yes. If you are taking blood-thinning medication, you should not stop it. This should only be done in extremely rare cases, and your surgeon would have informed you about it during your preliminary examination.
Can I take sedatives before surgery?
This can be discussed with your surgeon at your consultation.
How long does the surgery take?
A normal-length operation takes between 45 and 60 minutes. A larger operation on both legs can take up to 90 minutes.
Does the operation hurt?
The treatments carried out are virtually pain free as veins have no nerve endings. The only sensation a patient typically feels is when the injection for local anesthetic is administered. We always strive to make you as pain-free and comfortable as possible.
Can I drive after surgery?
We recommend that you bring someone with you to drive you home safely. If you have a bandage covering the entire leg, you may experience stiffness above the knee, which can hinder your ability to drive safely. Alternatively, you can choose to travel by public transport.
Should I use a support stocking after surgery?
There is no evidence that support stockings help with the long-term results or reduce the risk of complications. If you think it helps against swelling and discomfort, you can use a knee-high compression stocking for 5–6 days after the treatment, which you can purchase online.
How quickly can I start exercising after surgery?
There is no specific prohibition against physical training after treatment. You can lift, walk, and run to the extent that you feel comfortable with. If you play a certain sport, please discuss this with your surgeon before booking your treatment.
Can I sunbathe and bathe after treatment/surgery?
It is recommended that you avoid direct exposure to the sun on your legs for at least 2 weeks post treatment. Use sunscreen, at least SPF 30, on your legs when you are in the sun to avoid discolouration or scarring. Direct sunbathing and sunbeds are not recommended.
Can I fly after surgery?
There are no physical or medical reasons that prevent you from travelling immediately after the treatment. However, it is recommended that you contact your travel insurance provider, as they set the criteria for when you are insured following a treatment.
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What our patients say

“I usually get nervous, but I wasn't nervous because the surgeon told me precisely what would happen step by step"
“You get a very good treatment here and the consultation and treatment process made me feel very welcome.”
"The overall impression has been very good. I felt very safe throughout the entire treatment process."
“Now I can work full-time gain and go for a walk, which I haven’t done since the summer. Now, a new life will begin.“
"I don't feel the problem anymore after the treatment, and I have been able to work without a problem."
“The biggest surprise when I came into the clinic was how calm it was. The treatment was done in a friendly spirit.”
"Professional staff. Appreciated being informed throughout the process and receiving information afterwards".
Karen Wilsson
"Procedure was without pain. Good information was provided continuously during the operation".
Thelma Brooks
"Well looked after by all staff. Good explanations from both the doctor and nurse".
Cynthia Ascot
"I don't feel the problem anymore after the treatment, and I have been able to work without a problem".
“The biggest surprise when I came into the clinic was how calm it was. The treatment was done in a friendly spirit”.
“Now I can work full-time gain and go for a walk, which I haven’t done since the summer. Now, a new life will begin“.
“You get a very good treatment here and the consultation and treatment process made me feel very welcome”.
"The overall impression has been very good. I felt very safe throughout the entire treatment process".
Before and after images

Results from previous patients we have helped

"The overall impression has been very good. I felt very safe throughout the entire treatment process".
“You get a very good treatment here and the consultation and treatment process made me feel very welcome”.
“Now I can work full-time gain and go for a walk, which I haven’t done since the summer. Now, a new life will begin“.
Patient stories

What our patients say

“I usually get nervous, but I wasn't nervous because the surgeon told me precisely what would happen step by step"
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“You get a very good treatment here and the consultation and treatment process made me feel very welcome.”
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"The overall impression has been very good. I felt very safe throughout the entire treatment process."
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“Now I can work full-time gain and go for a walk, which I haven’t done since the summer. Now, a new life will begin.“
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"I don't feel the problem anymore after the treatment, and I have been able to work without a problem."
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“The biggest surprise when I came into the clinic was how calm it was. The treatment was done in a friendly spirit.”
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Waiting times

No need to wait for treatment

NHS waiting times

29-48 weeks

Our waiting times

0-3 weeks

Learn more about varicose veins