Varicose Veins in Young Age

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Varicose veins are typically associated with older people, and aging is one of the major contributing factors to their development. However, there are many other factors that contribute to the occurrence of varicose veins, with lifestyle being one of the primary factors. This article is written for people in their 20s to 30s who are wondering why they have developed varicose veins.

What causes varicose veins?  

There are many factors that cause varicose veins, but the most important factor is genetics. If a person's parents or grandparents have or had varicose veins, it is very likely that the person will also get them, especially if they are a woman over 30.

Regardless of genetics and age, the occurrence of varicose veins is strongly linked to a person's lifestyle. So, if a person has both a family history that includes varicose veins and a lifestyle that increases the risk of varicose veins, it is very likely that they will also develop varicose veins.

Why can varicose veins occur in younger people? It has become more common for varicose veins to occur in young people. Why this is the case is linked to how varicose veins occur. So the first thing we will do is look closer at what causes varicose veins.

What causes varicose veins in younger people?

Some of the factors that contribute to the onset of varicose veins at a young age are:

  • Pregnancy, now or in the past
  • Genetic inheritance, such as genes that cause the valves in the veins to be weaker and therefore wear out faster
  • Surgical procedures as a result of accidents, illness, etc.
  • Clothing and shoes, such as tight pants and high-heeled shoes
  • Previous injuries to the veins in the leg
  • Women develop varicose veins more often than men at a young age. This is linked to women's hormones.
  • Overweight or obesity
  • Physical inactivity
  • A person sitting or standing still all day while working
  • Medication that affects blood circulation
  • The person being bedridden for an extended period, for example due to illness, sports injuries, or other reasons

The situations listed above all contribute to increasing the risk of varicose veins at a young age.

Pregnancy and Varicose Veins  

Already early in pregnancy, the risk increases for blood to accumulate in the legs. Although this is more common in expectant mothers in their 30s, it also occurs in younger expectant mothers.

Weight gain during pregnancy is a strong contributing cause of varicose veins. It is not only the mother's own weight that increases but also the weight gain that comes with the fetus, amniotic fluid, and placenta.

However, it is not only the weight but also the increased blood volume and hormonal changes that cause varicose veins during or after pregnancy. Extreme hormonal changes during early pregnancy and slower blood flow to prepare the body for pregnancy and childbirth can cause varicose veins, spider veins, and blood clots. A person who has varicose veins in their family history should talk to their doctor about how they can reduce the risks of varicose veins during pregnancy. The person should also seek medical attention if the varicose veins they contracted during pregnancy do not disappear within twelve weeks after the pregnancy has ended.

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Obesity, Overweight, and Varicose Veins  

Overweight and obesity are a strong contributing cause to the occurrence of varicose veins. It is a combination of genetics, sedentary behavior, and poor eating habits that increase the occurrence of varicose veins among younger people. Even at a young age, obesity and sedentary behavior contribute to the onset of adult diseases in children and young people. It is not just varicose veins but also other diseases related to blood circulation such as heart disease and high blood pressure.

Sedentary Behavior and Varicose Veins  

It is very common for people who not only sit still during their free time but also when they work. Even standing still for extended periods is included here. It is not just that a lack of physical activity reduces blood circulation, but it also causes overweight and obesity. It is not only varicose veins that can occur as a result of physical inactivity but also a number of other diseases.

Injuries, Bed Rest, and Varicose Veins  

Even a person who takes care of their health and dresses in loose clothing runs the risk of suffering from varicose veins if the person suffers injuries that make them bedridden for an extended period. Lying horizontally for an extended period can reduce blood circulation and increase the risk of varicose veins and blood clots.

What can prevent the onset of varicose veins in younger people  

A person who belongs to one of the risk groups for getting varicose veins and also has a lifestyle that makes the likelihood of varicose veins greater should, of course, act as soon as possible to reduce the risks of varicose veins. If varicose veins have already developed on the legs, it takes much more time and is more complicated to get rid of them than it is to prevent their onset and the varicose veins also become much worse over time.

With the right advice and a changed lifestyle, however, a person can do a lot to reduce the risk of getting varicose veins.

There are a number of things a person can do themselves to prevent the onset of varicose veins at a young age. Some of these things are:

  • Exercise
  • Wear compression stockings
  • Lose weight

Exercise to Prevent the Onset of Varicose Veins in Young Age  

One of the best ways to prevent the onset of varicose veins at a young age is to exercise. It can be as simple as getting up from the couch every hour and taking a walk around the house. Or, the person could park their car furthest away in the parking lot and get a few extra steps on the way to work or the store.

Since people who are at higher risk of getting varicose veins at a young age are often very sedentary, it often takes very small efforts to break the negative pattern. Leaving the stage as completely sedentary means, just as the word suggests, to move, even if very little.

Lose Weight to Prevent the Onset of Varicose Veins in Young Age  

What a person eats is very linked to the person's health and even in cases with varicose veins in young people, there is a clear connection between what the person eats, whether the person is overweight, and whether the person is at risk of suffering from varicose veins. So young people who suffer from overweight or obesity should definitely review their diet so that the overweight or obesity can decrease and thus also reduce the risk of varicose veins occurring.

Proper Clothing to Prevent the Onset of Varicose Veins in Young Age  

Being dressed in very tight clothing or walking in high heels negatively affects blood circulation in the legs, which in turn increases the risk of varicose veins. Even in young people who are otherwise completely healthy and lead a healthy life, the risk of varicose veins increases significantly if the person wears clothing that is tight over the legs or stretches the lower legs in a way that high heels do.

Assume the Right Position to Prevent the Onset of Varicose Veins in Young Age  

A person who is aware that they are in the risk zone for getting varicose veins can reduce that risk by putting their legs in a high position when possible. By high position is not meant horizontal position but what is meant is that the lower legs should be higher than what the heart is. Having the lower legs so high increases the blood flow through the veins back to the heart, which reduces the accumulation of blood in the veins that is the cause of varicose veins occurring.

How can varicose veins in younger people be treated  

For younger people who have already suffered from varicose veins, there are a lot of treatments that can address the problems. However, before a medical treatment is initiated, it is recommended that the person tries to relieve the symptoms by taking the measures we have described above as preventative. This is because the discomfort caused by varicose veins can be significantly alleviated through self-treatment.

Should it be the case that despite own efforts, the varicose veins are very bothersome or feel very unsightly to a person, there are many good methods to treat varicose veins and many of these methods are both gentle and quick to perform.

As we mentioned above, varicose veins get worse over time so it is important that a person suffering from varicose veins addresses their situation at an early stage.

Summary of Varicose Veins in Younger People  

Below follows a brief summary of the article above.

What causes varicose veins  

Varicose veins are caused by the valves in the veins in the legs not holding completely tight, and this can be due to the valves being worn or defective. This leads to blood accumulating in the veins and this in turn leads to these veins becoming thick and taking on the bluish color that oxygen-poor blood has when it is seen through the skin.

Why can varicose veins occur in younger people  

Varicose veins in younger people are caused primarily because of:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Overweight
  • Sedentary behavior
  • Prolonged bed rest
  • Injuries to the veins as a result of accidents or surgery
  • Medication

What can prevent the onset of varicose veins in younger people  

A person can prevent varicose veins by influencing the risks associated with a certain lifestyle. A person who is found in risk groups for getting varicose veins can:

  • Exercise
  • Lose weight
  • To increase blood circulation, a risk person can place their legs in a position where they are higher than the heart

How can varicose veins in younger people be treated  

There are many ways to treat varicose veins in younger people. The first way is to change the lifestyle. The other ways are medical treatments such as laser treatment, surgery, etc.


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