Thick, protruding veins on the feet can be varicose veins, and they can be extremely troublesome, causing both physical and psychological ailments.

Varicose veins on the feet appear as prominent veins that are purple and bluish and winding on the foot. The varicose veins are superficial and can be felt through the skin.

Why Do Varicose Veins Occur on the Feet?

Varicose veins occur due to heredity and affect about one-third of adults. Varicose veins on the feet are a fairly common venous disease. If your parents had them, you will likely also get varicose veins on your feet at some point in your life.

Although varicose veins on the feet are hereditary, there are various precautionary measures that can be taken to minimize the risk of how large and troublesome the varicose veins on the feet can become.

Typically, varicose veins occur because the blood in the veins does not circulate satisfactorily. In the veins in the legs, there are venous valves whose job is to ensure that the blood in the veins only flows in one direction, towards the heart for oxygenation. Since the blood is pumped against gravity, it is very important that the venous valves function as they should. The venous valves wear out due to factors such as heredity, old age, obesity, pregnancy, and more. If the venous valves function poorly, blood will accumulate below the venous valves, increasing the pressure in the vein and varicose veins will develop.

Normal ven grafik
Åderbråck ven grafik

When Varicose Veins on the Feet Become a Daily Nuisance  

Generally, varicose veins are completely harmless but varicose veins develop over time and, if not treated, can also develop on the feet.

Varicose veins on the feet can cause a range of different problems, which can be both physical and psychological; many people find varicose veins on the feet unsightly. If the varicose veins on the feet have a negative impact on daily life, it may be a good idea to treat the varicose veins.

The physical problems that varicose veins on the feet can cause include a feeling of heavy and tired legs and feet, swelling in the feet. In severe cases, varicose veins on the feet can lead to itching and eczema.

Varicose Veins on Feet and Legs  

Varicose veins on the feet are often associated with varicose veins on the legs, as varicose veins on the legs often spread down the leg and to the feet.

Varicose veins on both feet and legs can impair quality of life. The first step to getting rid of varicose veins on the feet is a preliminary examination where a specialist will conduct an ultrasound examination of the blood circulation and identify any varicose veins on feet and legs.

If varicose veins are present on the feet, an assessment of the appropriate treatment, to effectively and gently remove the varicose veins, will be made.

Treatment Methods for Removing Varicose Veins on Legs and Feet  

As mentioned above, it is often seen that varicose veins on the legs can lead to varicose veins also on the feet. If a person has varicose veins on the feet that he or she wants to remove, it is a good idea to remove the varicose veins on the legs since these are often related. There are good and gentle treatments for varicose veins that give fantastic results. All varicose vein treatments at UK Vein Care are performed by leading Nordic specialists and only local anesthesia is used during the treatments. The different varicose vein treatments are very gentle and in almost all cases, the patient can return to their normal daily routine immediately after a varicose vein treatment. The most common methods for removing varicose veins on legs and feet are:

  • Laser Treatment
  • Foam Treatment
  • Radio Frequency
  • Phlebectomy

The chosen method depends on how advanced the varicose veins on the feet are. This will be assessed by a specialist during a preliminary examination.

Quick Questions about Varicose Veins on the Feet  

How does it feel when you get varicose veins?  

It is very individual how it feels to have varicose veins. For some, the discomfort is great and for others, varicose veins are not felt at all. The most common symptoms are swelling, itching, cramps, and a feeling of heaviness. Some may have pain on the varicose veins and feel pain in the leg when standing up for a long time.

How do varicose veins in the groin feel?  

Varicose veins in the groin often occur during pregnancy. Varicose veins in the groin are due to the uterus pressing against the large blood vessels in the pelvis. Additionally, there is an increased blood volume and hormones that affect the blood vessels and the elasticity of the veins. It can feel like pressure in the groin and sometimes the blood vessels are visible.

Can you have varicose veins that aren't visible?  

You can have underlying varicose veins that aren't obvious and that don't necessarily cause problems. In these cases, it's venous insufficiency, which is a venous disease where the venous valves are defective and insufficient. The most visible sign of superficial venous insufficiency is varicose veins, but they are not visible in everyone.

Is it dangerous to have varicose veins? Varicose veins in isolation are not dangerous. Varicose veins develop over time and if not treated, they can worsen and lead to more serious diseases such as leg ulcers and blood clots.

Can you get a blood clot from varicose veins? Varicose veins can worsen over time and lead to serious diseases if not treated. Many fear that varicose veins will increase the propensity for blood clots in the lungs and thus potentially cause lasting damage. Blood clots are a real risk factor for severe varicose veins, and factors affecting the risk of blood clots include obesity, smoking, hormonal preparations, and prolonged inactivity.