Broken Blood Vessels

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Broken blood vessels can look like a network of veins spreading to the skin. They are often blue-red in color and many people find them unattractive and annoying. The causes of broken blood vessels and how easily they can be removed will be discussed in this article.

Blood Vessels that Burst  

Superficial blood vessels can be seen in many people and are completely normal. There are various causes for the formation of superficial blood vessels, with heredity being the most common. If you have a hereditary predisposition for broken blood vessels, it is likely to happen to you at some point in your life, and you cannot avoid it.

When blood pressure is too high, the venous valves can no longer hold tight, leading to broken blood vessels. The increased pressure causes superficial blood vessels to burst and gives rise to what is known as spider veins.

When blood pressure is too high, the venous valves can no longer hold tight, leading to broken blood vessels. The increased pressure causes superficial blood vessels to burst and gives rise to what is known as spider veins.

Treatment for Broken Blood Vessels on the Legs  

Broken blood vessels in the legs are entirely harmless and can be treated using various methods. Many people who have broken blood vessels on their legs consider them a serious cosmetic issue and therefore can feel limited in their daily lives. Many choose to have the broken blood vessels on their legs treated.

Removing Broken Blood Vessels with Laser Treatment  

Laser is a gentle technique often used for small areas with broken blood vessels or broken blood vessels on the face. Facial vessel bursts are usually due to UV exposure. At UK Vein Care, spider veins are not removed with laser treatment alone but through microsclerotherapy.

Treatment of Broken Blood Vessels with Sclerotherapy  

Sclerotherapy, also known as sclerotherapy, is a treatment for broken blood vessels on the legs. Sclerotherapy is very gentle and effective and involves injecting a medication (aethoxysklerol) into the diseased veins, after which the diseased veins are sealed and the broken blood vessels disappear. At UK Vein Care, spider veins and broken blood vessels are treated with sclerotherapy.

Before and after treatment of spider veins


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