How to Get Rid of Visible Blood Vessels on the Legs?

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Visible blood vessels, specifically visible veins, often occur on the legs. They can also appear on other parts of the body, but the legs are the most common location. How can you get rid of them? There are varicose vein treatments that are very effective and gentle.

Why Do Visible Veins Appear on the Legs?

These veins have become enlarged due to being subjected to extra pressure or difficulties. The veins that pump the oxygen-poor blood back to the heart do so with the help of valves. Over the years, these valves can weaken (as much of the human body does due to natural aging). Visible veins on the legs can also occur at a younger age, but then due to being subjected to extra pressure—for example, weight gain or poor circulation. Visible veins on the legs can also be hereditary and thus depend on genetics.

Effective Varicose Vein Treatments  

Varicose vein treatment. There are a number of effective varicose vein treatments available to eliminate visible veins on the legs, often in a spider-web-like appearance. For example, there are laser treatments, and various injection treatments where glue or lasers are injected via a needle. In the past, advanced surgeries under anesthesia were required to remove varicose veins, but that is no longer the case. Today, it is almost completely painless (only local anesthesia is required and sometimes not even that) and also quick, usually taking less than an hour. The price varies depending on whether it is spider veins or varicose veins, the severity of them, and whether both legs or just one need treatment. A vascular surgeon performs the procedure, but before undergoing treatment, you get an appointment for a preliminary examination where you can discuss which treatment is best for you.

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Lifestyle – What You Can Do Yourself to Avoid Problems with Visible Veins  

To prevent more visible veins, or visible veins, from appearing on your legs, there are several lifestyle changes you can make—such as monitoring your weight and how much and in what way, you move.

Get Moving  

To prevent the appearance of more visible veins on the legs, you should keep the blood circulation in the legs active. This can easily be done by regularly exercising. Many people sit too still today, in front of computers at work, and this is not good for circulation. So, get up and move! Take regular breaks – set your phone's alarm as a reminder. Heel raises are also great to do regularly, as well as rotating your ankles.

Watch Your Weight  

If you gain a lot of weight, it becomes harder for the body in all ways, including for the veins to pump blood. So check if you can lose a few extra pounds – if you have any to lose. If you are pregnant, there will naturally be a weight gain—then buy compression stockings as help. Also regularly perform heel raises – the calf muscles help then to pump the blood up.


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