Side effects of varicose vein treatment

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Varicose veins are a common condition and about thirty per cent of the population will develop varicose veins at some point in their lives.

Varicose veins occur when the valves of the veins become weakened and blood flow is impaired.  It is these malfunctioning valves that cause blood to pool. These pools then develop into varicose veins, which meander downwards and upwards from the knee creases where they usually first appear.

The varicose veins often continue to grow on the legs and become thicker while spreading over larger areas mainly on the lower legs.

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Although varicose veins are almost never dangerous, they usually cause symptoms in the form of discomfort and mild pain. In addition, legs with varicose veins are perceived as less aesthetic and the affected persons avoid showing their legs in public.

This is why many people choose to have varicose vein surgery. In general, however, expectations of the results of varicose vein surgery are very high and understanding of how a person's lifestyle affects the appearance of varicose veins is low.

Possible side effects of varicose vein treatment

There are a number of highly effective methods in modern varicose vein surgery. The most commonly used methods are laser treatment, phlebectomy (known as the ‘knitting needle’ method) and foam injection therapy.

Side effects of varicose vein treatment

As with any surgery, there is a risk of experiencing side effects after the procedure. The most common side effects of varicose vein surgery are bruising, swelling, skin discolouration and mild pain. You may also suffer a blood clot, but the incidence of blood clots is very low, around one to three per cent.

In the case of stripping, which is an older treatment method for varicose veins, the side effects are often somewhat more serious but often of the same type as we mentioned above. However, in rare cases, stripping can also cause side effects such as severe pain, infection, blood clots and scarring. Other types of complications are very rare but it is possible that an incorrectly placed catheter can cause thrombosis in the deep vein system while causing damage to nerves or arteries. The needle on the catheter or the heat from a laser or other tool can also puncture nearby tissue, which can lead to side effects.

Precautions after varicose vein surgery

After surgery, wrap the operated legs in elasticated bandages. When returning home, the patient should follow the instructions and recommendations given by the doctor. It is important to exercise after surgery to reduce the risk of blood clots.

What can you do yourself?

Heredity is a major factor in the occurrence of varicose veins. If one or both parents have varicose veins, there is a nearly 100% chance that the child will also develop varicose veins in their lifetime. Many people are unaware of the impact of lifestyle on the timing and extent of varicose veins.

After undergoing treatment for varicose veins, the risk of recurrence within three years is between ten and thirty per cent. However, many of the methods currently used to treat varicose veins are relatively new, so there is a lack of research and long-term data, but there are many things that patients can do to prevent varicose veins from recurring. Almost all of these activities are aimed at keeping blood circulation going, such as maintaining a normal weight, exercising regularly, stopping smoking, avoiding standing or sitting still, elevating the legs, etc.

In summary

Varicose veins are a relatively common condition and about thirty per cent of the population will develop varicose veins in their lifetime. Varicose veins are hereditary, however, an individual's lifestyle can influence when varicose veins will appear and how severe they will be.

There are many modern and effective treatments for varicose veins that are minimally invasive and can be performed under local anaesthetic. The procedure takes about an hour after which the patient can return home for recovery which takes a few days to a week. The risk of varicose veins recurring three years after treatment is around ten to thirty per cent.

Although modern methods for varicose veins are very effective, there are some side effects that patients should be aware of. The most common side effects are bruising, swelling, skin discolouration and mild pain. More serious side effects are very rare.

After varicose vein surgery, patients should exercise carefully, avoid standing or sitting still and maintain a normal weight. This is important for a successful recovery and to avoid the recurrence of varicose veins.


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