Superficial blood vessels on the legs – called spider veins or thread veins

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Up to 30% of the population have superficial blood vessels on their legs, which are completely harmless. Small superficial blood vessels can be seen through the skin and can be irritating to those who have them. This article explains what superficial blood vessels are, why they often form on the legs and how to get rid of superficial blood vessels on the legs.

Spider veins or thread veins

Superficial blood vessels, also called spider veins or thread veins, are small blood vessels that can be seen just below the surface of the skin. Spider veins or thread veins can often be found on the legs and calves. When a person has very visible veins, spider veins or thread veins, it is often because the valves in the veins are not working properly.

The valves in our veins are responsible for ensuring that blood flows in only one direction. When the valves are damaged or don't work properly, reflux can occur, leading to the appearance of visible blood vessels and the appearance of varicose veins.

Spider veins or thread veins on the legs may be more or less visible and usually resemble a spider web.

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Superficial blood vessels on the legs - spider veins or thread veins

Superficial blood vessels are harmless, but they can be a significant problem, which is why many people choose to have them removed. Superficial blood vessels are very common and can appear on many different parts of the body. However, they are most commonly seen on the legs, ankle or foot. If you have superficial blood vessels, they are likely to develop and spread over time. This means that your superficial blood vessels may worsen and spread to other parts of your body, such as your thigh or calf.

Removing superficial blood vessels

Superficial blood vessels often occur on the legs, as the pressure on the veins is greatest here, and sometimes superficial blood vessels can form and appear at any age.

There are various factors that can influence the occurrence of superficial blood vessels:

  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Smoking
  • Poor lifestyle

There are different ways to remove your superficial blood vessels, but UK Vein Care only use sclerotherapy as a treatment method.

Removing superficial blood vessels on the legs with sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is a recognised method of removing superficial blood vessels on the legs. The diseased blood vessel is treated with a drug, which is injected into the blood vessel, after which the blood vessel is sealed and the superficial blood vessels on the legs disappear.

Sclerotherapy to remove superficial blood vessels is usually very gentle and effective. More than one treatment may be necessary to remove all unwanted superficial blood vessels. As described, superficial blood vessels can occur several times in life. So if you have them, repeated treatments may be necessary to remove them.

5 quick questions about superficial blood vessels on the legs

How to get rid of superficial blood vessels on the legs?

Spider veins, superficial blood vessels on the legs are removed by sclerotherapy or laser treatment.

Why do you get superficial blood vessels on your legs?

Superficial blood vessels occur when the vein valves are defective and the vessel walls weaken or rupture. This condition occurs when the pressure on the veins is high.

Are spider veins dangerous?

Spider veins are harmless and usually only a matter of appearance and aesthetics. If left untreated, they can worsen.

Can superficial blood vessels disappear by themselves?

If you have clear superficial blood vessels, it means that you have broken blood vessels, which can be caused by varicose veins. This can only be removed with a treatment, so superficial blood vessels cannot disappear by themselves.

What are vascular ruptures?

Vascular ruptures, sometimes called spider veins. Spider veins are small vessels that are visible through the skin. They can appear as blue and purple discolourations. Heredity plays a major role in the occurrence of varicose veins.


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