Varicose veins that hurt

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Studies show that 3 out of 10 people develop varicose veins of various shapes and sizes at some point in their lives. Age can vary greatly, but it is more common for people between the ages of 30-40 to be affected, especially if they have a very sedentary job or stand up a lot. It is also more common for older people to be affected as they usually have poorer blood circulation where the veins are then more easily exposed to pressure and strain, which then gives rise to varicose veins.

Varicose veins themselves are not dangerous unless they start to hurt or cause you discomfort when you stand or sit down. In these cases, the varicose veins should be treated so that they don't cause major problems or symptoms that could be dangerous. It is also important to see a doctor or clinic if there are any major changes in your varicose veins or the surrounding skin.

For many people, varicose veins are something that nobody talks about as many still hold on to the old views that it is a disease of old age. This is of course not the case as it affects people of all ages and in different locations. However, it is more common for varicose veins to form on the legs as a result of high pressure on the veins. It is therefore common for women to develop painful varicose veins or spider veins during pregnancy, which in some cases may need to be treated to avoid long-term problems. During pregnancy, the hormonal balance changes and body weight increases, and this sudden extra weight puts a lot of pressure on the veins, which can cause varicose veins that can cause mild pain.

What is varicose veins

Varicose veins are most commonly caused by leaking vein valves combined with high pressure. For most people, these varicose veins do not cause any pain, but are more of a cosmetic inconvenience that can make you feel uncomfortable in certain everyday situations.  But for others, varicose veins can cause some complications. It is these types of varicose veins that need to be treated or, in some cases, completely removed to eliminate the pain and symptoms.

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Today, varicose veins can be treated using several different methods. The choice depends on the type of varicose vein you have to be treated and where on the body the treatment is performed.

When to treat varicose veins?

Suffering from a varicose vein is not something that you or anyone around you should have to do. It is important that you ask a doctor for advice on the most appropriate treatment or what to consider to alleviate the symptoms if they judge that no intervention is required.

Signs that varicose veins should be treated

Varicose veins often cause discomfort, which can be a limitation in everyday life and can contribute to a deterioration in quality of life. This can be a good reason to explore the possibility of getting varicose vein treatment.

These are some of the symptoms that may mean you should treat your painful varicose veins:

  • Varicose veins are bleeding
  • You have had a superficial blood clot in this vein
  • The varicose vein feels hard or swollen
  • The area around the varicose vein is red or tender. This may be a sign that the varicose vein has become inflamed and requires special treatment.
  • You have constant pressure in your leg or around the varicose vein that won't go away
  • Venous leg ulcers that press should be treated if they hurt
  • Varicose veins that change colour should be checked as this is a sign that the vein or the area around it is not doing very well

It is essential that you examine your varicose veins to ensure that there are no changes in colour, shape or size. In most cases, a change does not necessarily mean that there is any danger. However, if there is swelling or discomfort, it is important that you see a doctor or clinic to avoid more serious complications.

Varicose veins that have become inflamed

If the varicose vein feels hard or swollen, and if the area around the varicose vein is red or tender, this is also a sign that the superficial blood clot has become inflamed. This inflammation is called phlebitis and is a form of vein inflammation that in most cases needs to be treated.

However, a superficial blood clot does not always lead to complications. However, you are more likely to get a clot in the deep veins as well. These clots are much more serious and if this happens you should see a doctor immediately as there is a risk of the clot travelling through your body.

Relieve symptoms with compression stockings

For older people or pregnant women, varicose veins in the legs can lead to a tingling or aching sensation. In these cases, compression stockings can alleviate the symptoms and also prevent the risk of new varicose veins forming. This is because the compression stocking regulates the pressure in your legs and thus reduces the strain on your veins. A compression stocking is also ideal to use when flying as the air pressure is higher, this can impair blood circulation in the legs and give an increased pressure to the veins.

Many people suffer from their varicose veins in secret. If you experience pain or swollen legs, this is something you should take seriously. See a doctor or clinic who will be able to determine whether any treatments are needed to remove the problem. Or whether you should wear, for example, a support stocking in the future to balance out the pressure in your legs and thus relieve the symptoms.


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